Tutorials - Blending Using Feather

1. First open two images that you want to blend. Here i will use two Brittany Murphy pictures.


2. Then copy the second image and paste it ton top of the first image (or make a new image and paste the two images there). Adjust the places of the two images.

3. Now choose the Rectangle Marquee Tool.

And select the right part of the second layer like this:

4. Then click Select on the menu bar and choose Feather. A small dialog box will open.


Type in 15 (if your image is bigger or smaller then just adjust the size). And click OK.

6.  Now press Backspace (or Ctrl + X). It will now look like this:

7. I added some brushes, texts and i colorized it and this is my final image. It's not that great and I know you could do better. But the whole point of this tutorial is teaching you how to blend using feather.

Please link me if I have been of any help to you.

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